Taking a look at kids today verse our parents when they where kids, there is a huge difference. My father just learned two months ago how to use a computer let alone he just upgraded him self to a smart phone, still not knowing how to use it. Then i look at my sister a couple years ago having a iPhone in 6th grade.... My sister today is a sophomore and one of her elective class is photoshop. Everything today is digital. It is very rare to find someone with and old fashion film camera because everything today is digital. The new media in art today is photography. I love photography because it catches the moment in picture and you can save it. Back in elementary i thought art was just paintings and arts and crafts. I have learned this semester many things can be art. A street sign to the design of a cake. It is important to teach young children using photography to show examples of different artwork(pictures) and ways to expand their imagination. Using photography could be beneficial with any subject during teaching. To this day it still helps me to visually see the life cycle of the animal kingdom through pictures. Children should know that art is anything from a pencil mark to the design of a house. Anything can be art and using photography to demonstrate it is a great to tool for students.
Horse cupcakes!
We definitely have a cupcake theme this semester! Nice observations!