Monday, March 7, 2011

Feedback of San Diego Art Museum

    When being toured through the San Diego Museum of Art, I learned how to read a piece of artwork from past artist. In the past month i feel like i have been a ten year old learning about lines, colors and the meaning behind artwork. Museums are good for children to learn about different cultures artwork and their sense of style. The mentor had us compare and contrast two different art pieces. When teaching kids about art it is helpful for them to compare and contrast between two different cultures, which we did. Children are able to see different techniques of paintings from various artist and it helps to show kids that anything can be art. It takes years for people to have an appreciation for art but looking up close especially at the first portrait we saw of the women you never can see all the little detail until you are up close in person and the different colors of paint along with it. I believe when you show kids and they recognize the detail it gives them an appreciation and an interest in their own art. When deciding what grade you start to take children to a museum like this, i do not think that 2nd graders are going to find an interest in wall portraits like displayed, i think 4th and 5th is the right age to bring children to see the history of art. Around that grade level kids start to find there nitch of what kind of artwork they enjoy.

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