Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Headdress Fun

     Taken that Cinderella is still my favorite movie of all time i wanted to come up with something different than the pink and white notation for "princess." Thinking about if i where to teach 2nd graders about fairy tales, i would incorporate this with the idea of having the students read and watch a couple fairy tales then use their own imagination to crete their own. I went with the idea of the idea of creating a headdress for the up coming month. I gathered some scrapbook supplies from home and noticed i had a lot of green. My sister's birthday is own March 17th and she reminded me of a princess so i went with the idea of making a Saint Patty's headdress. I took a paper bag from the supermarket and evened it out to make it into a round cylinder. I started by cutting triangles out of the top to give it the royalty look. I took the salmon colored tissue paper and wrap it around the bottom rim of the hat then stuff green tissue paper through it. I tore up gold tissue paper to create the gold coins for the points of the headdress. I did not know going into the project what version of Cinderella i wanted to create. When i think of Cinderella i think of a princess who was special and deserved Prince Charming. You can make a Princess out of anyone and i choose since it was my sister's birthday to make her the princess. 

In the California Content Standards I think #2.5 and 7 relates to the project. When presenting the headdress there had to be our own story behind why we created what we created. We had to take a story and make a headdress out of it. For children this is important because it makes them get creative and visually describe each and every detail why they made what they made and what was the meaning behind it. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you wanted to go beyond the usual pink & white color scheme for princesses. Also, it is a nice gesture to make the headdress in honor of your sister! Good ideas!
