Monday, March 28, 2011

Reflection on The New Children's Museum

This class this semester has made me see art in some many new ways. Since i was sick on Tuesday i went back on Friday to go visit again and took my aunt with me, from the large horse to the rain house it teaches children to use all their senses and look at art in a different perspective. Children are involved in every activity. I love the fact when you walk in, you hear sounds and then tell the kids to think and create your own vision of what you hear. Then the three activities we where able to do from making flowers, to painting the steel sculpture and creating a piece of art out of clay. I forgot the name of the steel sculpture but what freedom a child has to paint whatever they want on the animal. Kids are able to express themselves in way they may be limited at home. Riding the chariot, teaches kids to use their sense of balance and challenge there brain to figure out how to go forward, backwards and turn left and right. Most of us girls being in our 20's could not even figure it out, but having kids go into something taking a risk without direction is what makes a great artist. I have many friends who love to paint, my sister just starts by painting a line. she has no vision and she has nothing to copy, she just starts painting with no limitations. I think the art museum is definitely educational. besides being very colorful and a fun place to be around, every part of the museum has ways to engage the child in the activities. My favorite part of the museum was definitely the rain room. there kids could see the lines and count the birds in the room, all the beautiful colors, the stencils that pop in and out, hearing the rain and trying to think and create a story behind the rain room. the rain room engages children to make storm noise using physical activity, another thing that would catch kids off guard is where is the rain or water coming from. kids are used to see it out the window, but there is no rain out the window. i think the new children's museum is a great way to bring kids to see new ways of art and how to use art. the thing that is so important is everything is colorful and provides a positive environment for children to know it is a safe place to be and have fun. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ways of New Media 3/8

Taking a look at kids today verse our parents when they where kids, there is a huge difference. My father just learned two months ago how to use a computer let alone he just upgraded him self to a smart phone, still not knowing how to use it. Then i look at my sister a couple years ago having a iPhone in 6th grade.... My sister today is a sophomore and one of her elective class is photoshop. Everything today is digital. It is very rare to find someone with and old fashion film camera because everything today is digital. The new media in art today is photography. I love photography because it catches the moment in picture and you can save it. Back in elementary i thought art was just paintings and arts and crafts. I have learned this semester many things can be art. A street sign to the design of a cake. It is important to teach young children using photography to show examples of different artwork(pictures) and ways to expand their imagination. Using photography could be beneficial with any subject during teaching. To this day it still helps me to visually see the life cycle of the animal kingdom through pictures.  Children should know that art is anything from a pencil mark to the design of a house. Anything can be art and using photography to demonstrate it is a great to tool for students.  

Horse cupcakes!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Feedback of San Diego Art Museum

    When being toured through the San Diego Museum of Art, I learned how to read a piece of artwork from past artist. In the past month i feel like i have been a ten year old learning about lines, colors and the meaning behind artwork. Museums are good for children to learn about different cultures artwork and their sense of style. The mentor had us compare and contrast two different art pieces. When teaching kids about art it is helpful for them to compare and contrast between two different cultures, which we did. Children are able to see different techniques of paintings from various artist and it helps to show kids that anything can be art. It takes years for people to have an appreciation for art but looking up close especially at the first portrait we saw of the women you never can see all the little detail until you are up close in person and the different colors of paint along with it. I believe when you show kids and they recognize the detail it gives them an appreciation and an interest in their own art. When deciding what grade you start to take children to a museum like this, i do not think that 2nd graders are going to find an interest in wall portraits like displayed, i think 4th and 5th is the right age to bring children to see the history of art. Around that grade level kids start to find there nitch of what kind of artwork they enjoy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Headdress Fun

     Taken that Cinderella is still my favorite movie of all time i wanted to come up with something different than the pink and white notation for "princess." Thinking about if i where to teach 2nd graders about fairy tales, i would incorporate this with the idea of having the students read and watch a couple fairy tales then use their own imagination to crete their own. I went with the idea of the idea of creating a headdress for the up coming month. I gathered some scrapbook supplies from home and noticed i had a lot of green. My sister's birthday is own March 17th and she reminded me of a princess so i went with the idea of making a Saint Patty's headdress. I took a paper bag from the supermarket and evened it out to make it into a round cylinder. I started by cutting triangles out of the top to give it the royalty look. I took the salmon colored tissue paper and wrap it around the bottom rim of the hat then stuff green tissue paper through it. I tore up gold tissue paper to create the gold coins for the points of the headdress. I did not know going into the project what version of Cinderella i wanted to create. When i think of Cinderella i think of a princess who was special and deserved Prince Charming. You can make a Princess out of anyone and i choose since it was my sister's birthday to make her the princess. 

In the California Content Standards I think #2.5 and 7 relates to the project. When presenting the headdress there had to be our own story behind why we created what we created. We had to take a story and make a headdress out of it. For children this is important because it makes them get creative and visually describe each and every detail why they made what they made and what was the meaning behind it.